Click here to see upcoming funerals at St. Gregory the Great. Funerals will be listed here only with permission of the deceased's family.
Growing Through Grief Bereavement Support Group Series
Sessions are Mondays from 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm. Upcoming sessions:
February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.
All sessions are facilitated by: Louis DeMascole, Hospice Grief Support Volunteer and St. Gregory Parishioner, and Bettina Brothers, CGSS, RMT, Certified Grief Support Specialist, former Hospice Grief Counselor.
Please register by calling the parish office at 401-884-1666, xt 8.
Through the generosity of the people of St. Gregory the Great Parish the Social Action Committee was able to provide gifts to our brothers and sisters at Emmanuel House in Providence. Click here to see photos.
We are excited to share the implementation of Cor, a new formation and fraternal opportunity for the men of St. Gregory’s parish. Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.
Our meeting in February was very successful and well received and we thank all who attended.
Come join your brother parishioners for coffee and donuts, prayer, discussion and fraternity. Our next meetings are listed below and will be in the parish classrooms.
Next Meeting dates:
Saturday, March 8 @ 10;00am
Saturday, April 5 @ 10;00am
Wednesday, May 7 @ 6;30pm
Wednesday, June 4 @ 6:30pm
All men are welcome to attend.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to Wayne Moore at: [email protected]