Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA
Did you know that you can donate up to $100,000 a year directly from your IRA to a qualified charity such as St. Gregory the Great Church? As long as you are 70.5 years of age, you can instruct your IRA administrator to make the gift directly to a qualified charity. You will not claim that charitable distribution
as income and it will not be taxed. This is especially attractive to people 72 years of age and older who do not need their required minimum distribution but must take it into their taxable income. Before taking any action, consult with your tax advisor to ensure that this strategy is appropriate for your situation. Be sure to include your name and address, so we can credit you for your gift. Please call the office (401)
884-1666 if you have any questions.
Click Here for a copy of the IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution form.